Lead-Generation: Growing Your Email List as a Podcast Guest

Lead-Generation-as-a-Podcast-Guest – The Podcaster Lab TV

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Lead-generation is an excellent reason for being a guest on other people’s podcasts.

You pull out your go-to podcast guesting microphone and spend some time – typically around 30 minutes – to share your expertise and to inform, educate, inspire or entertain an audience.

In some cases, you’ll even have the opportunity to promote your business, products or services, as well as your upcoming projects or book on the show.

However, what you have to keep in mind is that, when it comes to podcast guesting, you’re relying on someone else’s digital space: the host’s.

So, what can you do to change things around?

The answer is simple: lead-generation.

According to the 2017 State of Podcast Interviews Report, when it comes marketing and conversions, podcast interviews outperform everything – from blogging and social media to paid advertising.

For you, this means approaching each interview as an opportunity to grow your email list.

Watch the video below to find out what you’ll need and the strategies you can leverage to generate leads through podcast guesting (including one borrowed from blogging and what I refer to as the Topical Upgrade Technique):

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Looking for additional ways to boost your lead generation efforts through podcast guesting? I’ve got more videos on the topic on my YouTube channel!
